Information Processing

Information processing has been found to be slower in individuals with FASD. School aged children with FASD may have difficulty processing complex information quickly. In particular, they may be slower than typically developing children when doing tasks that take a lot of mental effort ("effortful processing") vs. tasks that do not need much attention and conscious control ("automatic processing").

A child's day to day activities can become more efficient with the proper intervention to increase their information processing speeds. As a result, anything from interpreting and dealing with their surroundings to performance in academics can be improved.


Understanding Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD): A Comprehensive Guide For Pre-K -8 Educators
FASD overview, teaching and learning strategies for the classroom (Written by Chandra D. Zieff, M.Ed. and Rochelle D. Schwartz-Bloom, Ph.D.)
Information processing: pp. 45-51

Cognitive Interventions to Improve Math Skills
Video webinar with handouts Dr. Carmen Rasmussen and Dr. Jacqueline Pei discuss math deficits in FASD. Looking at existing math research in Atlanta and replicating the research in Alberta with some modifications. Contains information on information processing- Giving time for recall and remembering (from FASD CMC Alberta)