Difficulty with Money

Money is often a difficult concept for individuals with FASD to master. This can impact their ability to maintain housing, eat healthy food, and support their families.

Developmental Considerations 

A child might have trouble remembering the names and values of coins and bills. Adolescents and adults may struggle to budget and manage their own money.

Impulsivity, poor academics/number skills, memory problems, and language difficulties may all contribute to poor money management and understanding.

Although some children with FASD will not understand the value of money, they can begin to play with bills and coins to learn their names, sequence, and worth. Showing them the amount of objects, such as toys or treats that a certain bill can purchase is a good way to conceptualize the value of money.

Interventions and supports may help an individual better manage their money. They may make fewer impulsive purchases or be partially protective from financial victimization. With the ability to properly manage finances, independent living and the transition to adulthood may be eased for a person with FASD.


Understanding Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD): A Comprehensive Guide For Pre-K -8 Educators
FASD overview, teaching and learning strategies for the classroom (Written by Chandra D. Zieff, M.Ed. and Rochelle D. Schwartz-Bloom, Ph.D.) (from BC Ministry of Special Education)
Difficulty with money: p. 65

Financial Literacy for Individuals with FASD Video presentation examining the financial training needs of individuals with FASD (from Alberta Government)